Radio Tambua
The Africa Centre for Apologetics Research (ACFAR) equips Christians with resources and training for discernment, the defense of the faith, and cult evangelism. The Radio Tambua podcast features radio programs and conference messages on cultic movements and apologetics in Africa. (Tambua is a Swahili word meaning “discern.”)
Podcasting since 2020 • 176 episodes
Radio Tambua
Latest Episodes
Why Women Need Theology
In this episode, Victoria Adeoye of The Gospel Alone podcast interviews Wanjiru Ng’ang’a, coordinator of ACFAR Kenya’s Project Priscilla, on the vital role of theology in women's spiritu...
From Deception to Discernment: Unpacking Word-Faith and the Hyper-Charismatic Movement
Join Wanjiru Ng’ang’a as she shares her testimony of breaking free from the hyper-charismatic and Word of Faith movements. In this candid conversation with Victoria Adeoye on The Gospel Alone podcast, Wanjiru exposes the deceptive teac...
UTAMBUZI: Suluhisho la kukumbana na udanganyifu
Mahubiri haya yanaangazia onyo la Mtume Paulo dhidi ya walimu wa uongo katika 2 Kor. 11. Paulo anashangazwa na jinsi Wakorintho wanavyoondoka haraka kutoka kwa ibada ya kweli kwa Kristo, wakivutwa na mitume wa uongo wanaomuubiri Yesu mwingine, ...